Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I'm Going Back to School, Y'all!!!

I started my courses online today with Ashford University. Yup, this momma is majorly excited and looking forward to graduation with a BA in Complementary & Alternative Health. It should be under two years before I graduate since I am a transfer student who already has an Associates degree, so all my general ed stuff is out of the way.

So far, so good. I really like the classroom format and how user-friendly it is. I am not the most computer literate or internet savvy person, but I feel very comfortable with it. This gives me the confidence that I will be able to see my degree through until it is complete!

That being said, it does change my routine a little bit. I will have to streamline my homemaking tasks to ensure that I have the time to study and get my assignments done on time. I have the support of my family and the blessing of my Husband which is essential to my success.

The past week we have been Spring Cleaning our home and getting rid of clutter and things we no longer need or use. It has been very liberating to see the clutter disappearing. I plan on listing a few items for sale on Craigslist and local Facebook groups to try and make a little profit. Other things have been given away/donated. Anything to have the clutter all gone! Less clutter means less for me to worry about and less for me to clean.

Now, I don't have the most organized home in the world, but I am working on getting it to where it works out for us more efficiently. I don't enjoy spending time searching for things when they could be in their proper places and save me time.

Time management is everything. Being a wife, momma to a child with Autism, homemaker, and now a student pretty much will take up all of my time. Here's to getting into a good routine and looking forward to the journey ahead!

photo credit

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